
Embrace the Chaos

I'm working on letting life be messy, and I'm getting lots of practice! Hopefully I'm making slow, forward progress in trusting God to work out his plan in his timing.

As Matt and I were reading the Jesus Storybook Bible with the girls last night, I was struck by the story of Jacob and Leah and Rachel. Jesus was born from the line of Leah, the ugly sister whose father tricked Jacob into marrying her. I have been thinking about this all day- how God chooses the ugly things of this world, our sin, our pain, and uses them for his glory.

His ways are higher than ours. He uses chaos to accompish his purposes.


Lisa Leonard said...

God takes the broken and makes it beautiful. I am so glad!

Anonymous said...

hey miss thang, a couple with poop in their pants want to see some pics of the chubby dog! :) We miss her.

Aimee @ Smiling Mama said...

Speaking of Leah and Rachel, et. al. have you read the Red Tent? It is a wonderful book!

Denise said...

an encouraging post. i needed to be reminded of this at this time.

and i suppose i'll learn to be happy with my little washer and dryer, and my smaller loads to fold :-)