
We love to sing around here

and I have to say that this artist, Elizabeth Mitchell, is my absolute favorite to listen to and sing along with the girls or even by myself.

We have all four her CDs- You are My Sunshine, You are My Little Bird, and You are My Flower, and the CD she did with Lisa Loeb, Catch the Moon.

Her husband and her five-year-old daughter sing with her also.
It is such sweet music, soothing, folky... just right.


Cathi Hamen said...

ooooh burn me a cd please! we love sweet and silly songs!
I hope your evening went smoother than earlier!

Shan said...

I was just listening to this on Itunes = I love it! So sweet! (By the way I also love Lisa Loeb - downloaded a bunch of her songs) XOXO

Joyful Weddings and Events said...

thanks for the tip! I will definitely check them out.

Cathi: by them yourself, you cheater :)

Sarah Markley said...

Thanks for the tip, can't wait!