
All it takes is a little TV and some snacks

Last night, the back (trunk) door of our van malfunctioned, nearly crushing me as I unloaded groceries.

Okay, that's a bit of an exaggeration.

Anyway, it wouldn't stay open. It kept automatically closing. I couldn't get anything in or out. Grrrrr...

So tonight, the girls and I spent two hours at Toyota getting it fixed. Yeah, two hours. Grrrrr...

They were actually really, really cooperative. They did their "homework," played a card game with me, watched a few cartoons, and ate Doritos and M&Ms from the vending machine.

At 9:00pm, as we were driving out of the parking lot, Cutie said, "Mom, that's my favorite place. Can we come back again?"

I laughed and thought, "I hope not."


Nyla said...

That is so cute! Praise God it was a good experience for you and them!

Naomi said...

That is so cute! The year I graduated high school we went on a road trip with the roberts and we had lost of car issues and spent about a day and a half at a car place, we also played card games, and eat funny food.

Sarah Markley said...

so adorable. and sorry you were out till 9 with them. no fun.

Lisa Leonard said...

that sounds like a triumph--car trouble and two happy girlies! you rock. glad you didn't get smooshed.