
Don't set your belongings down at a thrift store

I took two tired, crabby girls to a thrift store yesterday. I wanted to find a really large picture frame I could spray paint for a project I'm doing.
They whined and flailed and one of them threw their darling jean jacket (that fit perfectly and matched with everything) off to the side.
While trying to manage the chaos, and find my picture frame, the jacket disappeared. Gone.
I searched everywhere, on the racks, under the racks, even in people's carts. No where.

But I found a picture frame. Super cute. And all it cost me was $2.00. And a jean jacket.


Ellen said...

Oh my! That's crazy. May that me a lesson to the little one. Throw your belongings and you may never see them again.

Nyla said...

Sorry to hear about the jacket! Was she bummed she lost her jacket?

We are painting over here today too! We just painted a huge mirror to hang over the new couch. I may take a picture of it soon and post. Did you paint your frame yet?

Shan said...

I bet someone thought they found the deal of the week!!!! And yeah for thrift store finds!!

Lisa Leonard said...

that is so funny! show us pics of the frame!!!

Cathi Hamen said...

boy those thrift store shopper s will snag anything.. how far did she fling that thing?? maybe she should go out for track and field and throw the javaline!!

KrAZie In AZ said...

I'd put dollars to donuts on which one! That whole "go to the store with a belonging and come home without it" scenario was very typical... ; ) If my assumption is correct, then the jean jacket gets added to the original first "blankie", and the "My First Doll". Ah well, such is the mysterious black hole that holds so many of our lost & never found again items...those small things that can just make us so bummed and REALLY spoil an otherwise agreable and happy day, huh?

Tishy said...

That is the amazing part about shopping at a thrift store. Never leave your buggy unattended or everything will vanish. I never understood how the rules of a shopping cart did not apply in a thrift store. I have had things completely stripped while I walked down an aisle too crowded to fit the buggy.

Anonymous said...

That is the amazing part about shopping at a thrift store....I never understood how the rules of a shopping cart did not apply in a thrift store..
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