
Laughter in Sadness

My grandma passed away last night. I miss her. I'm still trying to understand that she's not here anymore. She's always been here, so how can she not be here? I know she is in heaven, and whole and rejoicing. I will see her again. But for now, I miss her.

To break the news to my girls, I asked them to come sit with me on the couch so I could talk to them. Here's how the conversation went:

Me: Girls, Grandma Fisher went to heaven last night. She is with Jesus now.

Cutie: I'll miss her.

Sweetie: Why did you pause the TV?

Had to laugh at that one.


Pops said...
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Jill Duarte said...

I'm so sorry for your and your family's loss. Your grandmother must have been incredible to be so loved and missed by so many. What a legacy. I love the lighter note in your blog. Kids just have a way with...well everything! I'm glad you have those two little girls to love on during this time!

Monique said...

Well its awesome that she is in heaven and how great to know that someone you knew and loved now know's what heaven is like! I'm sorry that she is no longer with you here on earth though. I'm glad the girls are handling it SO well! ;)

Dan Flaming said...

When we told Clara that Grandma was sick she sobbed and sobbed. When we told her she had died, she was fine. Conversely, Megan was fine initially but cried herself to sleep last night. They're old enough to feel it, but respond so differently.

Lisa Leonard said...

I love how in her last days, while lying on her bed, breathing labored, she is telling you your hair looks cute. I mean, the lady never thought of herself!!

Pops said...
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michele said...

Sorry, Chrissie. I know she was such an intricate part of your family and such a special woman. I'm thinking of you guys today.

Jill said...

Chrissie - so sorry for the void your Grandma's passing will leave in your life... you and your family will be in our prayers, for comfort for you, and for praise to God that she is in heaven. Many hugs to you...

Sarah Markley said...

I'm so sorry Chris. Praying for you and your family.

I Am Nacho Mama said...

So sorry to hear of your grandmother's passing. My daughter, Maddie, and I had a talk the other night about my grandmother who passed away two years before she was born. She was asking questions like, Does Gram need a car; does Gram have a house in heaven?

I was getting kind of worried about how I was going to answer the next question. Then Maddie says, "I've got big markers." Couldn't help but laugh.

Hope you can laugh through your tears.

Robin said...

I'm sorry for your loss Chrissie. Thinking of you.

Cathi Hamen said...

i am soo sorry... Godly Grandmas are soo hard to find! I love you and will be praying for you ALL right now...
hug the girls and u for me!

Nyla said...

I love you and am sorry for your loss! I know your grandmother meant the world to you! Soawesome that she isin heaven now!

A Farmer's Wife said...

Children have a way of putting everything in the most darling perspective! I am so sorry for your loss!

Brianna Heldt said...

chrissie i'm so sorry. i think it's amazing that you had such a special relationship with your grandma. it seems that's hard to find in families these days.

and, loved the quote. kids are the best, and always seem to have the ability to make us smile and give us hope.